It's an unfortunate fact of life – not everyone who shares a home has the same room temperature preferences. And sometimes, minor disagreements with your family members or roommates over the heat can boil over into full-fledged arguments. Instead of living in conflict, read on for some tips on how to find a solution that leaves everyone happy.
Avoid Stress in Your Partnership
Conflict over indoor temperatures frequently pops up along gender lines, since women tend to have slower metabolic rates than men and therefore feel the cold more acutely (in fact, a recent study found that frigid air-conditioned offices were designed to accommodate men's preferences, leaving female employees shivering under blankets and sweaters in the middle of summer). Nobody wants domestic stress brought on by an argument over the heat and air conditioning system, so try out some of these strategies to find a middle ground where all the inhabitants of your home can enjoy a temperature they are comfortable with:
- Space Heaters: Today's space heaters are generally safe and relatively efficient, as long as you follow all manufacturer instructions. They are a simple and easy solution to allow one family member to increase the temperature in his or her room while other residents can keep the main thermostat at the lower temperature they prefer.
- Zone Heating: In more modern homes, you don't even need to use space heaters to warm different rooms to different temperatures. With the help of a smart thermostat and smart vents, you can customize the home so different rooms are automatically heated to the preferences of the people who inhabit them.
- Improve Your Efficiency: If money is at the heart of your arguments over the furnace, try making some efficiency upgrades. There are easy steps like beefing up your insulation, performing maintenance on your heat and air conditioning system, or simply strategically opening and closing the curtains to take advantage of the heat of the sun. Once you start seeing monetary savings, maybe you will feel more comfortable about allowing a family member to hike the thermostat up a notch or two.
- Compromise: Sometimes, you don't have the option of setting your room to everyone's preferred temperature – in a bedroom shared between two thermally incompatible spouses, for example. In that case, use your differences as a way to improve your communication skills and reach a compromise that works for everyone. If Joe wants the temperature at 60 but Cindy likes it at 70, why not set the thermostat to 65 and have Cindy use an extra blanket on her side of the bed?
Smart Heat and Air Conditioning Bringing Harmony to Your Home
If you need assistance personalizing your heat and air conditioning setup for your family, contact an HVAC technician today.