Some like it hot; plenty more love nothing more than getting cozy under the covers. While there’s plenty of room for personal preference, research shows there is an optimal sleep temperature.
Get into the numbers to learn how the right thermostat setting can improve your sleep quality.
The Best Temperature for Sleep
Sleep experts recommend keeping your bedroom between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Experiment with temperatures within this range and see what works best for you! Be sure to practice other elements of good sleep hygiene, such as:
- Keeping your room dark
- Reducing ambient noise
- Keeping distractions and stressors like cell phones in another room
- Not eating or drinking too close to bedtime
How Does Room Temperature Affect Sleep?
Sleeping in a room that’s a little warm or a little cool impacts everyone differently. In most cases, trying to get some shut-eye outside the recommended temperature range will make it harder to fall or stay asleep.
Sleeping Too Hot
Anyone who’s spent a restless summer night with a broken AC unit will relate. One of the ways our bodies “turn off” for the night is to lower its core temperature gradually. If it’s too hot in the room, our bodies can’t reach this optimal internal temperature. The result? We stay awake longer, tossing and turning.
Sleeping Too Cold
Sleeping below 60 degrees can cause our bodies to work harder to stay warm. Cold environments can increase pulse rate, constrict blood vessels and change how we breathe. This increases the chances of sleeping lightly or waking up repeatedly through the night.
Getting Your Sleeping Temperature Just Right
Your perfect sleeping temperature changes as you age. Changes in body composition and metabolism impact our internal core temperature and our resilience to ambient temperatures.
Ideal Sleeping Temperature for Seniors
Researchers found that seniors, especially women, fare better sleeping in slightly cooler temperatures. Changes in hormone levels, like those associated with menopause, cause hot flashes that can impair sleep quality. Consider turning the thermostat down a few degrees if you’re experiencing menopausal symptoms.
Ideal Child and Infant Sleeping Temperature
Most experts recommend keeping a child’s or infant’s room between 68 and 72 degrees. Young children and babies aren’t as efficient at regulating body temperature, making them more prone to waking when their room is even a few degrees warmer or colder than usual.
Infants also lack the most essential tool in heat retention: blankets. To minimize the risk of suffocation and overheating, pediatricians steer parents away from using blankets and pillows in their children’s cribs. Bumping up the thermostat a few degrees will make the baby feel as cozy as you!
Getting Your Bedroom Temperature Just Right
Once you find the right sleeping temperature, there are several ways to maintain that “just right” temperature year-round. Families often struggle to keep every room in their home at an equal temperature. Leaks in air ducts or other ventilation problems usually cause these hot or cold spots. Contact your local One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning for a professional inspection.
If Your Bedroom Is Too Cold…
- Keep an extra blanket handy to pull on when you need it
- Try wearing socks, which have been proven to improve sleep quality
- Take a hot bath before bed to increase body temperature before you tuck in
- Try installing an air vent deflector to push warm air toward your bed
- Have your ductwork inspected for leaks
If Your Bedroom Is Too Hot…
- Use a fan to keep air moving
- Wear lightweight clothing and sheets
- Try opening windows to improve cross-ventilation if it’s cooler outside than inside
- Install a new AC unit or heat pump to combat the summer heat
Excellent Sleep Is a Breeze with the Right Heating and Cooling System
Whether it’s too hot, too cold, or just not right, call One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning. Our punctual, professional HVAC technicians can help keep every room in your home comfortable. Rest easy; we’re here to help! Request an appointment or call (800) 893-3523 today!