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The weather is changing, leaves are falling, and with this marks the perfect time to pull your favorite sweaters out of storage! Even after turning on your heating system to keep your home comfortable, you may opt to cozy up in a sweater when lounging around the house to keep utility bills down or if not everyone in your home agrees on the temperature.
Before washing, always read your care label to ensure sweaters are not dry clean only. If machine washable, follow these laundry tips for preserving your delicate fabrics to ensure your sweater is properly cared for and worn for many seasons to come!
- First, fill a sink or tub basin with cold water.
- Add a few drops of mild detergent or soap to tub basin.
- Submerge sweater in tub and swirl gently. Let the sweater soak for 10-15 minutes.
- Remove sweater from water. Then, empty soapy water from tub basin, and replace with cold water. Gently rinse sweater until all soap is removed.
- Once the sweater is clean, place it on top of a dry towel. Roll the sweater and towel together, similar to rolling a yoga mat. Once excess moisture is removed, lay the sweater on a dry towel, and reshape. Allow the sweater to dry for up to 24 hours. Flip at least once to ensure no musty smells.
- Once completely dry, fold the sweater and store. To store sweaters, fold them and place in drawers with room to breathe. Sweaters are more likely to lose their shape by hanging up. During warmer months, place sweaters in a garment bag or airtight container and store away in a cool, dry place.
Now that you have washed, dried and stored your sweaters, let The Cleaning Authority take care of the rest! We are here for your kitchen, bathroom, and all other cleaning needs! For a free online estimate, visit And, don't forget to contact One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning to ensure your home is at a comfortable temperature throughout the cold months.