Cool and Comfy: The Ideal Room Temperature for Baby
From installing baby gates to block your little one from tumbling down the stairs to inserting child outlet covers to prevent an electrical shock, parents have plenty to worry about with their newborns.
And that includes keeping baby’s room at the ideal temperature.
The experts at One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning have compiled expert advice to make sure your baby’s room is at the perfect temperature for safe, comfortable sleeping.
What Is the Ideal Room Temperature for Baby?
The ideal—and safest—room temperature for a baby is between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. This is especially important for infants 6 months and younger, who are at higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
A room that’s too cold can make it difficult for your baby to fall asleep, while a room that’s too hot can cause your baby to overheat, which has been linked to SIDS.
Is There a Warmer Ideal Temperature for a Baby Room in Winter?
Just like it’s important to cool your baby’s room in the warmer months, it’s equally important not to overheat the room in the winter even if it’s extremely cold outside. A baby is safer in a room that’s slightly cooler as opposed to a warmer room temperature that could cause the baby to overheat.
Is There a Different Room Temperature for Newborns?
Like infants, newborns should also sleep in a room that’s between 68 and 72 degrees. Thankfully, that’s also a comfortable temperature for most adults, as it’s recommended newborns sleep near their parents for at least six months.
Bring Comfort into Your Home Today
Don’t let a broken heating system or air conditioning unit impact anyone’s sleep—especially your baby’s! If your HVAC system needs repairs, contact the pros at One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning today.
Note: About 3,500 infants die each year in the U.S. from sleep-related incidents. Follow these safe sleep guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics to keep your little one comfortable and safe.