Utility bills are a constant battle. A savvy homeowner will search out every available option to cut back on heat and air conditioning costs without sacrificing comfort. One way that you can save energy while gaining the ability to fine-tune your home heating strategy to meet the needs of everyone in your family is with zone heating. Read on to learn more about this method and how it can help you save.
A Personalized Heat and Air Conditioning System
Zone heating gives you the ability to adjust the temperature in different rooms or areas of the home independently. For example, you could keep the heat lower in the kitchen, where the oven might be in use, but bump the temperature up a few degrees in the family room so you don't have to shiver away the evening in the winter. Different members of your family can keep their bedrooms heated to their individual specifications.
Zone heating can also be useful for evening out the temperature in your home, if you prefer. Many homes are warmer or colder in certain areas, such as warmer on the upper floors but colder in the basement, or colder in rooms that have walls facing the outdoors. The amount of sunlight reaching a room can also affect how much warmth it retains. With zone heating, you can adjust your heat and air conditioning system so each room is maintained at the same temperature.
How Does Zone Heating Work?
If your home has a forced-air furnace, you can set up a system with multiple thermostats and responsive ducts that allow you to set different parts of your home to different temperatures. Once a room or zone reaches the prescribed temperature, the duct closes. If the temperature drops below the desired level, the duct opens back up. That's especially handy for areas in your home that don't get much use, such as guest rooms.
You can also effectively rig your own zone heating system by using indoor space heaters, a wood stove, or other independent heat sources (and likewise with window AC units or mini-split air conditioners in the summer). That way, you can reduce the burden on your main furnace and make up the difference only in rooms that are occupied during a given portion of the day.
Let the Heat and Air Conditioning Experts Guide You Along
In an automated zone heating system, the number of zones you can use depends on how much capacity the various parts of your ductwork can handle – ask an HVAC expert to help you figure out what your house can take on without risking damage to your furnace. If you are interested in learning more about zone heating, contact a heat and air conditioning professional today.