
How Much Energy Does Weather Stripping Save?


Volatile energy costs have families looking for a smart, cost-effective way to lower household energy consumption. Properly installed weather stripping promises a low-tech, do-it-yourself way to improve your home’s energy efficiency and lower your environmental impact.

But does weather stripping really work?

Weather Stripping Energy Savings By-the-Numbers 

Weather stripping seals off drafts and air leaks commonly found around doors, windows, and vents. While not as obvious as an open window, leaving these small gaps unaddressed in multiple areas of your home could have the same effect on your home’s energy use!

Get this: Studies show that closing off those various leaks can lower your energy bills by as much as 30%!

Sold? Let’s get started!

How to Replace Weather Stripping on Doors and Windows 

There are several types of weather stripping kits and products available, whether you’re replacing or installing a kit for the first time. Each product is designed to seal drafts in specific applications from sliding glass doors to large picture windows.

Start by finding the right weather stripping kit for the task at hand. The Department of Energy offers a handy comparison charge of weather stripping options. You can always count on your local One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning to provide expert advice, too!

Related: The Complete Guide to HVAC Energy Efficiency

Installing Pressure-sensitive Foam 

One of the most versatile weather stripping products is pressure-sensitive foam. It’s inexpensive and easy to install, though you may need to replace it every few years. One of the benefits of foam weatherstripping is its adaptability; it’s used to seal windows, doors and exterior vents.

It’s effective at sealing almost any gap as long as it’s installed correctly:

1. The adhesive backing on pressure-sensitive foam works best on warm days. Starting your project on a day when it’s relatively warm (starting at 60 degrees Fahrenheit) is perfect!

2. Thoroughly clean the surface where you plan to install the foam. Use soapy water if needed and be sure to dry the area before turning to your foam.

3. Measure the length of the window or door and double-check your work by laying out the foam and marking it at the correct length. Keep the backing paper on; we’re not ready to cut yet!

4. Cut the strip to the correct length with scissors.

5. Leave the backing on and lay the strip on the installation surface. If you can recruit another pair of hands, have your helper keep the strip flush against the windowpane or door jamb so there are no gaps.

6. Slowly peel back the adhesive paper a few inches at a time. Press the foam into place to keep it flush with the door or window gap.

7. At the far end of the installation surface, remove the last of the adhesive backing and stick the final section into place. Press the foam down firmly along the length of the door or window.

8. Repeat the process along other windowpanes or doors. Make sure the foam doesn’t impede closure. Try closing the door or window a few times, just to be sure!

3 Weather Stripping Quick Tips 

Ready to be the proud owner of a weather-stripped house? Here are three tips:

1. Inspect your weather stripping at least once a year. Replace any foam or seals that look cracked, torn, or otherwise ineffective.

2. When replacing weather stripping, petroleum jelly removes any “sticky goo” left by the old material.

3. Measure twice and cut once!

One Hour Can Help You Take Control of Your Home’s Energy Use 

Save money and reduce your home’s carbon footprint by taking proactive energy-saving steps. From smart thermostats to regular and reliable HVAC maintenance and upgrades, our technicians can help your family live comfortably—and sustainably! Book an appointment or call (800) 893-3523 to get started.

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