Can You Vacuum Seal Your Home for Maximum Insulation?


Nothing beats insulation for conserving your treated indoor air and keeping heat and air conditioning bills to a minimum. Homeowners have a range of options when it comes to insulating their homes, from extensive fiberglass installations to spot-work with spray foam to patch up leaks. But what if we could put an end to nearly all heat loss from a home with the same technology that keeps your coffee warm in a thermos? Read on to learn whether vacuum sealing can be an effective and economical way to cut your HVAC bills down to size.

Don’t Let Heat and Air Conditioning Energy Go to Waste

Vacuum sealing works on a fairly simple principle: If there is an area of space where all the molecules have been removed, it is very difficult for heat to pass through the non-existent molecules to escape from its container. The thermos is one everyday object that demonstrates the concept perfectly. With a vacuum between the inner and outer walls of the thermos, it takes a long time for the heat or cold to escape, so your beverage maintains its temperature all day long.

In theory, vacuum insulation can also work for your home, and some green home prototypes actually do use the technology in their quest to contain as much heat and air conditioning energy as possible. And indeed, panels of vacuum insulation can provide far greater heat blockage than typical foam or fiberglass barriers. However, there are a few major obstacles in the way of widespread adaptation.

The Downsides of Vacuum Insulation

Unfortunately, there are currently several barriers that prevent vacuum sealing from being a practical solution for most homeowners. For starters, the panels are expensive to the point of being prohibitive, adding many thousands of dollars to the cost of constructing a home. Furthermore, the seal isn’t perfect – it’s not like the entire house is surrounded by a vacuum, like a thermos. Since the insulation comes in panels, you still need to worry about the seams between the panels.

Finally, the vacuum panels on the market have a fatal flaw that renders them vulnerable without a strong, rigid, and therefore even more expensive, lining – they can pop if you aren’t careful. That means that a contractor doing work behind the walls could inadvertently ruin your expensive investment, or you might even poke a hole in a panel when pounding a nail to hang a piece of artwork.

Maximize Your Heat and Air Conditioning Dollar with the Best Insulation

You may have to wait decades for a viable home vacuum insulation solution, but there are plenty of other methods for sealing up your home and conserving your HVAC energy. For more ideas about the best ways to beef up the insulation in your home, get in touch with a heat and air conditioning professional today.

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