
What Type of Water Should I Use in a Humidifier?


Portable humidifiers are simple, easy to use, and easy to maintain. With regular cleaning and using the right water, humidifiers can give your home a much-needed boost of moisture with the flick of a switch! But what kind of water works best—and why? We've got everything you need to know; read on!

What Is the Best Water for Portable Humidifiers? 

Using the right type of water can extend the working life of your device and help you maintain healthy indoor air quality. We recommend using distilled, or demineralized, in your humidifier.

Using Distilled Water in Humidifiers 

Distilled water is purified by boiling water and collecting the steam. The process removes compounds and salts and other minerals that tap water may not filter out. You won't have to clean your humidifier as often and it will be less likely to develop mold and mildew. For most portable humidifiers, distilled water is the best choice!

Demineralized Water for Humidifiers 

Technically, distilled water is one kind of demineralized water, although the terms "demineralized" and "distilled" are often used interchangeably. There are alternatives to distillation, including reverse osmosis, deionization, and nanofiltration. Both of these processes remove salts and other impurities, but not quite as effectively as distilled water.

Can You Put Spring Water in a Humidifier? 

Spring water contains many natural impurities that distilled and demineralized water doesn’t. Most portable humidifier brands strongly advise against using spring water because it tends to grow bacteria, mold, and even strong odors.

Can You Put Tap Water in a Humidifier? 

Tap water is the most readily accessible option and plenty of homeowners use it. Unfortunately, it's not the best choice. Like spring water, tap water retains minerals that can build up and clog the device. It's also home to bacteria that are small enough to float on water vapor, reducing air quality and potentially triggering respiratory issues like allergies and asthma.

3 Humidifier Best Practices 

If you already have a humidifier, you know how effectively they increase indoor humidity and keep your eyes, nose, throat, and skin from feeling dry and scratchy.

Make the most of your humidifier by following these three tips.

  1. Keep it clean! Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning your humidifier and avoid using chemicals. During the heating months, clean your humidifier weekly or even sooner if you see mildew or mineral buildup. Make sure you give it a thorough scrub before putting it away for the season.
  2. Use distilled water. It's the safest option. And it will extend the life of your humidifier. You can usually find distilled water by the gallon at your local grocery store or have it delivered by a local water company.
  3. Stay in the zone. Humidifiers provide a quick boost of humidity, but use your thermostat to monitor your home's humidity levels. That’s the most effective way to make sure you're within the recommended zone. Aim to keep your home's humidity between 30-50% year-round and contact your local One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning technician if your home is consistently outside this range.

More Indoor Air Quality Questions? We're All Ears! 

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