Using Ultraviolet Light to Sterilize Your Indoor Air


Using Ultraviolet Light to Sterilize Your Indoor Air

As a homeowner, you've likely invested in several security features for your home. But if you're not protecting your home's indoor air quality, you may be unknowingly putting your household in a danger zone.

After all, the average home's air can be full of pollen, dust, bacteria and viruses. And while standalone air purifiers may remove many of these contaminants, they can struggle to remove smaller particulates, like viruses.

Fortunately, a UV Sterilization System could be the ideal solution to your home's indoor air quality issues. Let's find out why!

What Is UV Sterilization?

UV sterilization is the process of using ultraviolet (UV) light to eliminate contaminants. But to understand how this process works, we'll need to take a moment to examine what UV light is and where it comes from.

What Is UV Light?

Ultraviolet light is a form of radiation. But before you begin to panic, it's crucial to note that approximately 10% of the sunlight falling to earth is UV light. That's why sunscreens come in ranges of UV protection.

Unlike visible light, UV light is invisible to humans. But, of course, there are some exceptions to that rule. Blacklights, for example, produce a specific type of UV light called ultraviolet A (UVA).

Tanning beds also utilize UVA light, though they also emit ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation. Consistent exposure to these types of light waves can increase your risk of developing certain cancers, including skin cancer.

That's because UV radiation damages cellular DNA. Essentially, it breaks things down at the cellular level. While this can be harmful to humans, it can also destroy bacteria and viruses.

Consequently, UV light is a fantastic sterilization tool. And unlike standard cleaning chemicals, this invisible radiation can rip apart a virus's protective coating, leading to rapid degeneration and cellular death.

What Is UV Sterilization Used For?

When applied to HVAC systems, UV light can destroy airborne bacteria and viruses. UV light is also used to sterilize surfaces. In fact, UV lamps are often called germicidal lamps because they can kill harmful germs.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), people have been using UV light "for decades to reduce the spread of bacteria [and viruses]."

Still, post-COVID, UV light has found some new and beneficial applications. Namely, this type of light is now being utilized to help combat the spread of viral material. But that's not the only benefit of UV sterilization.

Benefits of UV Sterilization

There are several benefits of using UV sterilization to clean your home's indoor air. But some of the most notable benefits include:

  • Fewer Foul Smells
  • Decreased Airborne Contaminants
  • Increased Protection From Viruses

Let's take a few moments to examine these benefits in greater detail and discover why you might want to invest in UV sterilization sooner rather than later.

Fewer Foul Smells

Even the cleanest home can occasionally suffer from foul smells. But getting rid of strong odors goes far beyond lighting a candle or spraying some air freshener. In fact, those products only mask bad smells.

To truly rid your home of unpleasant odors, you'll need a device that can remove the odor-emitting particulates from the air. And while an air purifier can help you get started, it may not be able to remove all traces of stink.

But an HVAC UV Sterilization System can eliminate bad odors quickly and effectively. That's because the radiation from UV light is exceptionally gifted at destroying cells, even gaseous ones.

Decreased Airborne Contaminants

Do you know what you're breathing in right now? While the natural guess might be oxygen, there are likely several other things floating around in your home's air.

Many homes contain airborne contaminants, some of the most common of which include:

  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Asbestos
  • Formaldehyde
  • Methane
  • Lead
  • Mold Spores
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Pollen

This is just the tip of the iceberg. The full list of potential airborne contaminants can fill up several pages. As you might imagine, it takes a powerful filtration system to keep these contaminants out of your lungs.

That's where a UV Sterilization System comes in handy. Though it might not remove pollen or dust from the air, it can neutralize many species of bacteria and nearly any kind of airborne virus.

Increased Protection from Viruses

Though an HVAC UV Sterilization System may not be able to keep you from falling ill, it could significantly lower your chances of breathing in viral material while at home.

If your household includes school-aged children, you'll likely want to invest in any products that can help stop the spread of airborne contaminants. After all, children are often more likely to spread and catch germs.

Households without kids may also want to consider the anti-viral effect of UV Sterilization Systems. Not only could you enjoy better-smelling, cleaner air, but you could also decrease your annual sick day count.

It's easy to forget in a post-COVID world that there are hundreds of viruses out there, many of which spread through the air. Installing a UV Sterilization System in your home could help protect you from current and future viruses.

How to Install an HVAC Sterilization System

Installing an HVAC UV Sterilization System isn't a do-it-yourself kind of job. That's because HVAC systems are complex, with many components hiding behind drywall or linking through attic spaces.

To install a UV sterilizer in your home's air conditioning and heating system, you'll need professional assistance. Fortunately, many of the most reputable, high-quality HVAC technicians offer UV sterilization services.

One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning offers 24/7 services, including indoor air quality services. If you need immediate HVAC services, you'll want to reach out to this experienced and professional team of technicians.

Enjoy Improved Indoor Air Quality Today

Our homes are designed to protect us from poor outdoor air, often via door seals and attic insulation. But these materials can also trap bad air indoors.

If you're determined to enjoy the cleanest air, you may want to invest in a UV Sterilization System. After all, UV light is far better at eliminating bacteria and viruses than standard air purifiers.

Are you interested in learning more about installing a UVC Sterilization System in your home? If so, request an appointment today! We at One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning look forward to making your home a safer place.

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